Wednesday, October 26, 2011

No show without Dattos.

No show without Dattos.: That's right, and what would a SuperSprint be without a Datto or three?
Tim Knappstein has been reading a book on aerodynamics. Here's the results.
This one was pretty neat.
.......and another red one.
Get that GT3 out of the way. I'm coming through.
This little 1600 has been in the same hands for 17 years, first car in fact.
I know this has nothing to do with Datsuns. This photo was taken not far from a sign saying "no alcohol in the pits"
I'm far from being a wowser but rules are rules. The sign also says "no dogs" of course and it would be great to take Chocko out for the day. Then, what if she got run over.

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